Module: dgen

Universal generator module to create directories files and template based contents


(static) convertMarkdown(doc) → {Object}

Convert each markdown-format fields of the object to HTML

Name Type Description
doc Object

The document

  • A copy of the original document with processed markdown field values

(static) copyDir(opts)

Copy directories

Name Type Description
opts Object

The options of the copy operation. An object which has the following properties:

     sourceBaseDir: {String},        // The path to the base directory to copy from
     targetBaseDir: {String},        // The path to the base directory to copy into
     dirName: {String},              // The directory to copy
     forceDelete: {Boolean},         // Whether to overwrite existing directory or not
     excludeHiddenUnix: {Boolean},   // Whether to copy hidden Unix files or not (preceding .)
     preserveFiles: {Boolean},       // If we're overwriting something and the file already exists, keep the existing
     inflateSymlinks: {Boolean}      // Whether to follow symlinks or not when copying files
     filter: {RegExp},               // A filter to match files against; if matches, do nothing (exclude).
     whitelist: {Boolean},           // if true every file or directory which doesn't match filter will be ignored

(static) copyFile(fileName, sourceBaseDir, targetBaseDir)

Copy one file

Name Type Description
fileName String

The name of the file to copy

sourceBaseDir String

The source directory

targetBaseDir String

The target directory

(static) processTemplate(context, opts)

Process a Handlebars template and extrapolates with the given context data, and write into a file.

Name Type Description
context Object

The context data to fill into the template

opts Object

The template options:

     sourceBaseDir: {String}     // The path to the directory of the templates and partials
     template: {String}          // The name of the main template file
     targetBaseDir: {String}     // The path to the directory of the target file
     target: {String}            // The name of the target file

(inner) loadPartials(basePath) → {Object}

Load template partial files

The function loads every file in the given folder, as a text file, then
then hangs them to an object, as properties.
The property names will be the filenames, of the original partial files, without the full path.

Name Type Description
basePath String

The path to the directory which contains the partials

  • An object, which contains the partials.