


The prerequisites and installation of the tool is described in the Get Started page.

Create the template repository

This is a normal repository, which can contain anything, including mustache templates. These files will be copied to the destination folder without modification. During this transfer, each file is processed by the mustache template engine, so you can place parameters into these files, which will be replaced by actual values, that you can define through the command line interface of the tool.

The enquiry for these parameters can be described in the .kickoff.yml file, that you can place into the root of the repository.

See ncli-archetype repository on GitHub, that is a Project archetype for Command Line tools using Node.js.

The .kickoff.yml file

You can describe the questionnaire for template parameters within the .kickoff.yml file.

This is a sample configuration file for the kickoff utility:

description: |
    This is a project archetype for node.js based, cli applications.
    New projects can be generated from this archetype by the
    [kickoff]( utility.

welcome: >

    You are generating a JavaScript project, which is 
    using node.js, and running as a command-line application. 

postscript: >

    Next steps:

     - Install the npm modules required by the newly generated application:

        cd <dest-folder>
        npm install

        type: input
        name: appname
        message: The name of the application
        default: anonymous
        type: input
        name: author_full_name
        message: The full name of the author of the application
        default: Anonymous

        type: input
        name: author_email
        message: The email address of the author

        type: input
        name: author_github_account
        message: The github account (username) of the author
        default: anonymous

        - docs/
        - docs/
        - docs/
        - docs/pageTemplate.html
        - index.html
        - package.json

You can add as many parameters as you need, using the same names you put into the mustache templates.

The description property

In the description property of the .kickoff.yml you can write down what the whole archetype projects is about. This field holds information mainly for those people who creates and/or maintain the archetype project itself.

The welcome and postcript messages

The welcome string will be written to the console, when the kickoff utility starts, in order to inform the user, what will happen during the process.

At the end, before exit, the kickoff will write the postscript string to the console, to inform the user about the succesful execution. Also you can place here reminders for things to do after kickoff run.


This section contains the list of questions and parameters the kickoff will collect during its working. The tool sets the variables to their default values that you can overwrite during the questioning, then the given parameters will be used by the tool to fill the templates during the generation of the target content.

File-name templates

The fileNames is an optional list of from/to pairs, where from is a valid path relative to the base of the projects, and defines the name of the file which should be renamed during the processing. The to property defines the new name. It can be either a literal string value or a mustache template. The template values in the to filename will be substituted via the context object like in case of the template files in the project.

The next fragment demonstrates how you can define such rename operation using both constant values and file name templates:

        from: docs/pageTemplate.html
        to: docs/{{appname}}-page-template.html


By default the kickoff simply copies the files from the source to the target, but you can use converters to fill your data into the files that have been collected via questions. These conterverters can be templates or JavaScript functions. You can define which file can be taken as a converter and what type of conversion does it do. Currently the following converters can be defined:

converters: mustache: // Here you can define those files that are mustache templates, // for example in case of ncli-archetype these templates are used:

    - docs/
    - docs/
    - docs/
    - docs/pageTemplate.html
    - index.html
    - package.json
    // In case you need a more sophisticated template engine,
    // you can use the Handlebars engine
    // Here you can refer to plain JavaScript modules which are exporting a single function,
    // that consumes a String and returns with a result String. The function also got the context
    // data that was defined via the questionnaire, or via the dedicated data file with the `-a` which.

In the test/src folder you can find samples to each kind of converter.

NOTE: The plugin type of converters currently work only in cases when you generating from local sources.

Load the context data from YAML file instead of querying

Let's suppose, you create a new_app executing the following command:

$ kickoff -s tombenke/ncli-archetype -d new_app
? The name of the application: new_app
? The full name of the author of the application: Tamás Benke
? The email address of the author:
? The github account (username) of the author: tombenke

You can achive the same result, if you create a YAML file (for example: desc.yml), with the following content:

appname: new_app
author_full_name: Tamás Benke
author_github_account: tombenke

With the -a, --data-file argument, you can load the context data in the YAML format file instead of using the interactive inquery via the console, so execute the next command:

$ kickoff -a ncli.yml -s tombenke/ncli-archetype -d new_app

The result will be something similar to this:

You are generating a JavaScript project, which is  using node.js, and running as a command-line application. 

Loading data from ncli.yml instead of querying...

Next steps:

 - Install the npm modules required by the newly generated application:

    cd <dest-folder>
    npm install

This method can be used, if the volume of the context data is big, and/or it has a complex structure (nested arrays and objects, etc.).