
Get Started



kickoff needs Node.js and NPM installed on the machine, before start installing and using it.

Installation steps

The kickoff tool can be installed as any other node module, but you have to install to the global node_modules folder, so use the -g switch to npm.

To install kickoff, execute the following command:

$ npm install -g kickoff

To check, whether kickoff is installed successfully, run the following command:

$ kickoff -V

Usage of the kickoff utility

Check if kickoff is properly installed:

$ kickoff -h

  Usage: kickoff [options]


    -h, --help                       output usage information
    -V, --version                    output the version number
    -v, --verbose                    Verbose mode
    -a, --data-file <path>           Path to the yaml format datafile
    -f, --folder <path>              Path to the source directory
    -s, --src <username/repository>  Git repository
    -d, --dest <dst>                 Destination folder

Create your first project from a repository

The following command will create a new command line tool project with all the required boilerplace code, unsing the ncli-archetype repository:

$ kickoff -s tombenke/ncli-archetype -d new_app
? The name of the application: new_app
? The full name of the author of the application: Tamás Benke
? The email address of the author:
? The github account (username) of the author: tombenke

Check the results in the newly created new_app directory, and see also how the parameters requested through the console have substituted the mustache parameters in and package.json files.

In order to learn more about how to use the tool, read the documentation pages.