The `cayley convert` command

The cayley convert command #

We can convert knowledge-content files from one representation format to another with the cayley convert command.

2. ábra: cayley convert

The following command converts the test data from n-quads format to JSON-LD format:

    $ cayley convert --load data/testdata.nq --dump data/testdata.jsonld

The next command below does the same conversion, but the results will be written to the standard output:

    $ cayley convert --load data/testdata.nq --dump_format jsonld --dump -
    I0915 19:15:58.328789   30572 cayley.go:63] Cayley version: 0.7.5 (cf576babb7db)
    I0915 19:15:58.328974   30572 dump.go:20] writing quads to stdout
    I0915 19:15:58.328989   30572 convert.go:100] reading "data/testdata.nq"